Note-cards are created differently in any way that will suit the researcher. Here are a
few tips to help you know how to do a
research paper note-card.
the top of your card, indicate the particular subtopic the ideas in the note-card fall under.
Every subtopic is created with reference to the main topic of the research paper.
Every subtopic is created with reference to the main topic of the research paper.
Be brief as possible on the note-cards. Remember you are just writing for reference and the in depth
explanation will be done on your paper.
every research paper note-card in
accordance to how it will appear in the outline. Your outline will guide you
with regards to what subtopic will come first and what follows. This way you
will ensure that you do not leave out any important topics.
the research paper note-card, ensure
you indicate clearly information that you have quoted directly and your own
thoughts. This way you will be able to differentiate while doing the final
work. You can use quotation marks for the words you have adopted from others so
that you will be able to cite your sources accordingly.
research paper note-card system is
very efficient since it will enable you to re arrange you subtopics to ensure
your work flows well. This system ensures that you produce work of high
academic standards.
one may use short form when writing on the note-cards. Be careful not to
transfer the short form onto your paper since this will be considered as
grammatical errors.
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